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I’m in love with all things hair, makeup, fashion and beauty. On this blog you can find anything from reviews on lipstick to supplements, as well as recipes alongside tips to protect your hair this summer! I’m your average girl. I get break outs, I have dry skin, and I like looking and feeling good. I hope I can help you by sharing what I love! If you have any questions let me know by filling out the form on the right hand side of the page!

Is it okay to go to a Beauty School instead of a Salon?

In a word, yes. Going to a beauty school will ensure that you are having high quality and good products used on your hair. Especially when it comes to hair color, beauty schools are much better than anything you can pick up at a drug store. Another major pro to going to a beauty school over a salon in price! Everything there is much less expensive!

There are a few negatives to beauty schools. Everything takes longer there. The students have to talk to their instructors at least 3-4 times before you can leave, and they often have to wait to communicate with them. You are also working with people who are less experienced. They might take you to short, or mess up your hair cut and while this is possible in a salon as well, it is more likely at a school.

Overall I think salons are the way to go, but if you can not afford to get your hair colored at a salon then going to a hair school is a much better option than using box color.

Why is Box Color So Bad For Your Hair
Color Oops and Color Removers
Why Does it Cost So Much to go to a Salon? 

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