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I’m in love with all things hair, makeup, fashion and beauty. On this blog you can find anything from reviews on lipstick to supplements, as well as recipes alongside tips to protect your hair this summer! I’m your average girl. I get break outs, I have dry skin, and I like looking and feeling good. I hope I can help you by sharing what I love! If you have any questions let me know by filling out the form on the right hand side of the page!


468 posts

Why I Don’t Use MAC Makeup

MAC is probably one of the most well known high end makeup brand around. They have quality products…

Sulfate Free Shampoo

This is the question I received this morning from one of my followers! What is the difference between…

The Ultimate Hair Cleanse

Your hair goes through a lot. Sun, hot tools, styling, ponytails, pollution, even hair washing are all things…

The Skin Care Breakdown

I got a question today asking me why people use toner. I knew immediately that I had to…

Oily Skin Remedies

Yesterday I had had a client ask me what she should do about her oily skin. A lot…

Let’s talk Straight

Straightening your hair is one of the most common things that girls do all the time. The questions…